Come Explore With Us!

Come Explore With Us!

Join the Advanced Explorers Art Class

Every year the Brandywine River Museum of Art offers our youngest fans a chance to spend a week in our museum learning, growing, and soaking up sun in our beautiful riverside location. The Advanced Explorers Workshop (June 22-26) provides children ages 9 and up of all artistic levels the opportunity to explore different approaches to creating art, while cultivating a deep, lasting enjoyment of art-making. For any child interested in art or the outdoors this is the perfect summer activity.


Get Real

This year’s theme is “Making It Real.” Participants will learn the techniques of artists directly from the Brandywine Museum’s collection and landscape, spending each day exploring different styles and mediums with the focus placed on realism in art. 

Tricks of the Trade

In addition to hands-on methods, teaching artist Jen Polillo will show students the various “tricks of the trade” introducing students to fundamental concepts in art and how to employ artist tools such as grid structure, or a viewfinder. The emphasis of these classes will be placed on learning spatial relationships, lighting, color, detail and building overall accuracy.

Up Close with the Artwork

To deepen students’ understanding of these tools, Education staff will help students look carefully at works on display at the Museum. In these gallery excursions, students will look at paintings and sketches by many artists including works by members of the Wyeth family.

Paint Outside!

The adjacent Brandywine River Trail will also be used for inspiration as students practice painting en plein air (or, “in the open air”). Workshops run 10a.m. to 1p.m. daily.

Register Now

Spaces are filling up fast! Save a space for your artist today!