Amphibians & Reptiles: The Who, What and Where of the PA Herpetofauna Community

Amphibians & Reptiles: The Who, What and Where of the PA Herpetofauna Community

Amphibians and reptiles (collectively called “herps”) are important species found in just about every Pennsylvania landscape. Join us for this fun and informative event with Brandon M. Ruhe, ecologist from The Mid-Atlantic Center for Herpetology and Conservation and Christopher A. Urban, Chief of the Natural Diversity Section of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, as they discuss amphibians and reptiles in Pennsylvania with a focus on local species. Brandon and Chris work together on the Pennsylvania Amphibian & Reptile Survey (PARS), a state-sponsored atlas project with the goal of determining the distribution and status of all amphibians and reptiles throughout Pennsylvania.  Learn more at They’ll also bring live animals to view!

Optional Field Walk: After the program, we’ll take a walk on the boardwalk through the Brandywine Conservancy marshlands to search for amphibians and reptiles. Bring a flashlight and waterproof shoes.  The optional walk begins about 8:30 p.m. and will end by 9:30 p.m.

Please contact Kristen Frentzel [email protected] and Connor Smeader [email protected] with any questions or concerns.