Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

Tackling Invasives: Early Spring Season Work

As the winter season fades and people become eager to get outside in anticipation of the warmer days of spring, there are quite a few invasive plant species also looking to exploit the early warmth and longer days. While most of the native floral communities are still in dormancy, a few species...

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Phenology, Climate Change, and You

Most people recognize the seasonality of natural cycles is shifting. Trained volunteers are now helping scientists to quantify those changes.

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Exploring Nature at your Fingertips: Getting Started with iNaturalist

Searching for a space to explore nature at your fingertips? Look no further than iNaturalist! This free, leading nature app was designed to help users across the globe record and organize nature findings, meet other nature enthusiasts and identify flora and fauna.
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Wading through Wetlands in Search of Amphibians & Reptiles

Do you have a property in Pennsylvania with wetland habitat? If so, your backyard might be a great candidate for a herpetological study! In the article below, the Brandywine’s Easement Manager, Kristen Frentzel, takes us along a trip wading through wetlands of a conserved farm to aid local scientists in collecting data for the Pennsylvania Amphibian & Reptile Survey. Learn more about the importance of this study and how you can get involved, too!
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