Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

PFAS Explained: What You Should Know About these "Forever Chemicals"

A class of human-made, long-lasting chemicals widely used in the manufacturing of everyday products ranging from nonstick cookware to cosmetics are being targeted by researchers aiming to mitigate levels found in soils and water. Read on to learn more about these so-called forever chemicals—how...

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Top 10 Power Plants in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is home to a rich diversity of native plants that support a variety of wildlife, including butterflies and moths, which are in the biological classification order Lepidoptera, the second largest order in the Insecta class.

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Yay for Waystations: How to Certify Your Property as a Monarch Waystation

By now, you may have heard that the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) as endangered in July 2022. While this designation does not provide the monarch butterfly any legal protections in the United States, it does highlight...

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Vernal Pools and the Amphibians Who Love Them—Your New, Noisy Neighbors

Are you the kind of individual who likes to hibernate in cozy blankets on a comfortable sofa for the winter? Does a big mug with hot tea and a book, or a marathon session of your favorite TV series sound like the perfect thing for winter? Rest assured; you are not alone! Indeed, certain animals...

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Butterflies vs Moths: What are the differences?

Butterflies and moths are among the key beneficial pollinators that play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. While they share many similarities, including belonging to the same biological order classification Lepidoptera, they also have many differences that you can use to...

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