Icedale Trail Feasibility Study

Icedale Trail Feasibility Study

stream with rocks and trees

In early 2020, Honey Brook and West Brandywine Townships received a Vision Partnership Program Grant from Chester County to study the feasibility of a new off-road public trail in Honey Brook and West Brandywine Townships between U.S. Route 322 and Icedale Road. The townships hired Brandywine Conservancy as their consultant to lead them through a twelve-month project process spanning July 2020 to July 2021. The project is studying opportunities to connect the existing trails at Living God Church on U.S. Route 322 to the Icedale Lake parcels owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and includes an Icedale Meadows Park Conceptual Master Plan for the parcels. 

West Brandywine Township holds a 25-year lease on the 50-acre Icedale Lake parcels located in both Honey Brook and West Brandywine Townships. The lease grants permission to enhance public recreational access to the parcel, provide environmental education, and design and develop improvements to the parcel. West Brandywine has already established a simple parking area on the east side of Icedale Road in support of future enhanced access to the Icedale Lake area. 

Map of Icedale Trail Feasibility Study Area

A twelve-member inter-municipal task force composed of elected officials and other citizens and township staff are providing input to the consultant team. All task force meetings are open to the public and meeting information is published in advance on both township's websites. Three public meetings will be held throughout the project for the public to provide additional comments and the public is always welcome to submit questions, comments, and suggestions by using the comment box below on this website or by contacting [email protected].

Project Materials

Icedale Trail Feasibility Study

Final document for acceptance by the Board of Supervisors in West Brandywine and Honey Brook Townships.